Greetings from snowy Seattle! It has definitely been an interesting few days here in the Pacific Northwest.....Monday we had no school due to Martin Luther King day, Tuesday was a late start to school because of weather (some snow), today we didn't have school (pics to follow showing why), and tomorrow there's no school, either due to weather. we got about 6-ish inches of snow. Now, coming from the midwest, I KNOW that this isn't a huge amount of snow. And God knows, if we were back in the midwest, we sure as heck would be in school. HOWEVER, this is the Pacific Northwest. We usually get rain, not snow, and we don't have the equipment to remove the snow. Here are a couple of pics of our snow.....

My youngest son went outside this morning to measure our accumulation, and measured about 6 inches of snow. He spent a good majority of his day shoveling our driveway so Eric could get back home after work. Isn't he the sweetest? There is now a HUGE snowpile in my front yard. I'm sure it will be lots of fun to play in tomorrow! :-)
So...tonight it decided to start drizzling....ugh! That means freezing rain....and once equipment to clear roads quickly. NO SCHOOL tomorrow! BUT....that means the road behind our house will be PERFECT for sledding tomorrow...nice and slippery! Yahoo!
Today I decided to take advantage of my time home by reorganizing my craft room. It just needed a little clean up and organizing so I could actually work in there. After completing that project I decided I might want to finish the snowman banner that I started at Christmas. I had completed one for my mom while she was here for Christmas, but never finished my own. Considering January is half over, it's probably a good idea that I got it done today....Valentine's Day crafts are coming up soon!
Here's a pic of the completed snowman banner:
To make this banner, I used Birthday Bash for the banner pieces. The Snowflakes were made using Winter Wonderland. The letters were made using Alphalicious (my favorite Cricut font). The snowmen were made using a template that my friend, Lily allowed me to use. Check out her blog at
Here are a couple of other pics of the banner:
I hope everyone is having a wonderful new year! To all my Pacific Northwest friends: stay safe and warm! To all my midwest friends: the snow's heading your out! Love and miss you all!