I have been seriously slacking on the blog lately....not by choice, though. School has started and I have 27 cherubs in need of some love and interventions, as well as my own two cherubs at home. Oy! Does it ever get easier?? I have done some crafting here and there. Today I'm going to share a couple of the decorations I've made for my home for Halloween. Halloween is not one of my favorite holidays to decorate for. My boys LOVE spooky / scary decorations....I don't. I prefer cute fall-looking decorations. So here's what I came up with for this year.
This picture is horrible, I know...I took it with my phone....ugh! Anyway... I used the following materials to create this card:
Mini Monsters Cartridge--2"
My Pink Stamper Spooky Puns stamps
Halloween Barn Star:
-For this, I used a small barn star. I created a tracing template in order for my paper cut outs to fit perfectly.
Halloween Centerpiece:
This is a pinterest-inspired project. I found this on pinterest and just had to make one. I followed the original creators directions on layering the candies and filling in the middle with marshmallows (saves a lot of money on candy). Instead of using halloween themed lollipops and rock candy sticking out the top of the centerpiece, I decided to use my cricut to create little toppers to stick out.
Simply Charmed Cartridge:
Ghost: 3"
Pumpkin: 3"
Boo: 2"
Boo & Spooky Banner:
For the BOO letters, I bought the cardboard letters that you can find at JoAnn's. I painted the outside edges and the inside edges black. I then traced the letters onto Halloween paper and mod-podged it to the cardboard letters when they were dry. I did not go over the top of the paper with mod podge because the paper had a texture on it (the green with the spider webs). I didn't want the effect of the web to be lost.
For the Spooky Banner I used the following:
Birthday Bash Cartridge for the banners: cut at 6 1/2"
Simply Charmed Cartridge: Bat cut at 4"
Alphalicious Cartridge: Letters cut at 5"--letters were inked with black ink to add dimension
Behind each of the letters, I hand-made the paper-folded rosettes. I cut 1 1/2" x 12" strips and then scored them every 1/4" folding them back and forth like a fan. I hot-glued the ends together and then added hot glue to the middle, holding until it dried. I then placed the green circle on top.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween! I will do my best to start posting more often. :-)
Marry Me Chicken Pasta
7 hours ago
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