week is my Spring Break......YAHOO! My students have definitely made me
earn it this year. Whew! They keep me on my toes, that's for
sure. My plans for the week include crafting, crafting, getting ready for
Easter, crafting.....did I say crafting? Yep....that's all I want to do
this week. I haven't been able to do ANYTHING crafty since President's
Day weekend in February. Now THAT'S sad. One of the projects I've
been wanting to do since last year was to package up some of my favorite Easter
treats (peeps) for friends and family. I even downloaded a bag topper
last year from
the original picture from
that inspired me to try this idea. Click on the link below to look at the picture.
was this year, with my new obsession with Pinterest, that I found a combination
of Peeps, graham crackers, and chocolate.....Peep S'mores! I LOVE
IT! I now not only have a S'mores pinboard, but also have a Peeps
pinboard. SO much fun!
YOU for your inspiration, ideas and generosity in sharing your downloads!'s what I came up with:
and I decided to go to Target (one of my FAVORITE stores EVER) this morning to
grab a few things we needed at home and to get the supplies I needed for the
above project. We just happened to go by the gardening section....and
what did I find????? Another of my latest obsessions....a super adorable
owl. I think I might just have to write about my owl obsession in another here's the super cute owl...

Adorable Owl only cost me $12.99. Nathan was trying to convince me to buy
Super Adorable Owl's (I think that's his name) little sister. Yep, he has
a little sister. She's shorter, red and round....ALSO super cute.
She's only $9.99....and might have to come home with me really soon.
Super Adorable Owl ALSO has an older (I think it's older because it's taller)
brother. He's green....and only cost $19.99. I'm trying to decide
if I can handle 3 Super Adorable Owl Siblings. Hmmmm...... What do
you think????? Now...Super Adorable Owl was originally bought to go in my
garden, but I'm not sure I could stand the fact that Super Adorable Owl will
get dirty and possibly be covered in moss (one of the wonderful things about
living in the Pacific Northwest) right now he's nesting on top of my
piano. It actually looks really nice there.
question for you.....What's YOUR latest obsession????