Well....it certainly has been a very busy month. Only 34 more days of school (yes, I'm counting). We are in the midst of MSP (our state standardized test) testing. In our school, the primary classes (non-testing grades) support and encourage the intermediate classes by making cards, posters, bringing in treats, etc. I know this can be a super stressful time of year for everyone, but how can we get too stressed out when our staff is being blessed with many.....and I mean MANY.....babies.....AGAIN! Yep, I said AGAIN. Last year we had (with grandbabies included) 10ish babies born. Last year a majority of the babies born were girls. This year we currently have 5 (so far) people expecting babies either this summer or in the fall. We know of 3 BOYS and don't know the gender of the last two yet. Must be something in the water. The husband said I'm not allowed to drink the water there. :-)
So...here's the card I made for our first of many baby showers for the remainder of the year. I made this card in a frantic "Oh, no! The shower's tomorrow???" Ever have one of those days? Thank goodness I still had some time that night to run and pick up a gift as well. Whew!
To make this card, I used the Simply Charmed cartridge. Unfortunately I didn't write down the directions for making this card. So sorry!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
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